Approaches To Treating Historic Masonry.

The approaches to treating historic masonry are Preservation, Rehabilitation, Restoration, and Reconstruction.

Preservation: The process of applying a unique set of skills necessary to sustain the existing character, form, integrity, and materials of a historic home, building, or structure.

Rehabilitation: The need to alter or add to a historic home, building, or structure to meet continuing or new uses while retaining the historical character and making a compatible use of the home, building, or structure through repairs, alterations, and or additions.

Restoration: The process of emulating the character, architecture, and form of mortar joints, brick, stone, or block as it appeared in a particular time by removing these features and repointing or repairing them and recreating their appearance and durability the way it was created then.

Reconstruction: Removing the brick, stone, or block to reinstall and replicate its appearance from a specific time. The new construction process after demolishing or removing the brick, stone, or block.


Choosing an appropriate process for your brick, stone, or block requires careful decision-making about the historic home, building, or structure’s significance, current condition, specific use, exposure area, and building codes. K.B. Masonry LLC can evaluate your project to determine its best possible treatment to ensure the longevity of your project by maintaining its durability and character.


Benefits Of Historic Masonry Restoration


What Is A Historic Masonry Home, Building, or Structure?