Importance of Historic Masonry Restoration

Historic Masonry Restoration brings a historic masonry home, building, or structure to its original condition and appearance.

A home that is 50+ years, even 200+ years or older, connected to significant historical events or individuals, located in a historic district, listed or monumental must be evaluated by a historic preservation specialist to bring back its original character, condition, and appearance. The deterioration of historic masonry needs specific materials and a unique set of skills and processes to preserve its character, style, and durability.

Historic masonry restoration must depict the home, building, or structure’s character, form, and features from a specific time. To accomplish older masonry restoration, a specialist must remove the mortar joints, brick, stone, or block from another time and reconstruct the missing or deteriorated mortar joints, brick, stone, or block from that specific time.

Restoring or replacing deteriorated historic masonry with modern materials that match its original color and texture is an oversight that can cause significant damage. Historic preservation requires unique research, analysis, resources, and treatment different from modern masonry from 10 years ago. Using less-costly, comparable, and everyday masonry products will deter the historic home, building, or structure from its original character. Using modern materials and techniques lessens the building’s integrity and appearance and risks damaging what made the building significant or historical in the first place.

It is essential to have your historic home closely inspected by a historic preservation specialist if it is 50+ years or even 200+ years old. Specializing in this particular masonry section can help benefit the character, durability, and appearance of your community aesthetics. K.B. Masonry LLC is committed to doing just that.

Reasons why it is essential to have a historic preservation specialist analyze your deteriorated mortar joints, brick, stone, or block that is 50+ or even 200+ years old, considered a significant property, or has an important story behind it, is listed or monumental, or located in a historic district:

  1. Many older buildings have intrinsic value due to the high-quality materials and unique processes involved during construction. 

  2. It is restoring the character and cultural value behind your historic home, building, or structure.

  3. Increases real estate values

  4. You can enjoy a modern restoration that matches its original historical style.

  5. You can retain your community’s history, aesthetics, and appeal.

  6. If your home, building, or structure is significant, restoring it can enhance its significance by protecting what made it an important historic home, building, or structure. 

  7. Regular maintenance is excellent insurance against the costs of future repairs or replacement.

K.B. Masonry LLC is committed to preserving the character of historical or significant homes, buildings, or structures. I Provide a unique set of materials, skills, resources, and knowledge to restore your deteriorated mortar joints, brick, stone, or block to its original appearance and durability.


What Is A Historic Masonry Home, Building, or Structure?


Masonry Tip: Never Sacrifice Quality For Time