A Day In The Life As A Solopreneur Masonry Business

There are many tasks to accomplish on a given day in any industry. Looking into the day of a solopreneur masonry business could be pretty similar to your traditional business methods. I would like to mention that we all complete business differently this is just the way K.B. Masonry LLC receives the best results. Running a solopreneur business, I do not have “employees” I hire contractors, systems, and outsourcing methods to allow me to automate my business so I can focus on the top two or three income-producing tasks. So I technically have 20+ high-quality systems/automation/contractors who help me serve my customers better. Here in this article, I will be showing you a day in the life of a solopreneur masonry business that helps me achieve a result and long-lasting customer service.

  1. Starting out, I really focus on clearing my mind to get ready for each day. This will allow me to better help my customers and myself for the day to stay on track and be productive.

  2. Studying or learning something new. This is a priority for me every single morning. My daily goal is to always keep learning something new. So, I time block this every morning.

  3. Now I am ready to take on the top priority task of the business. This will include marketing, finance, sales, project management, material lists, and customer service. This allows me to get the biggest business priorities out of the schedule first thing in the morning before any projects start.

  4. I then focus for 30 minutes on my future goals. Take my someday goal, my five-year goal, my one-year goal, my monthly goal, my weekly goal, and my one goal today. This allows me to narrow down what I need to do today, to achieve my someday goal.

  5. Focusing on the personal side of things, I then exercise for 1 hour, then I eat a high-quality breakfast then get ready to start my day as a mason.

  6. Setting up my current project. Starting with looking into my material list. Getting what is needed onto the truck/trailer(s) to complete the task at hand. If additional material is needed to be acquired, I have additional help to acquire the material for the current and or future projects.

  7. Notifying my customer that I am on the way to the project. Arriving at the project and setting up everything there is to set up so I can start repairing, repointing, or installing brick, stone, or block.

  8. Waiting until I have reached my daily masonry goal for the project, cleaning up the project as if I was never there. Maintaining a clean project area is a must for me to respect my customer’s homes and to maintain a clean and safe working environment.

  9. Arrive at the office, See the family for only a short amount of time, get ready, and then go to a job estimate to secure more projects.

  10. Arriving home from the job estimate, I will make my sales calls, and write any estimates, contracts, or invoices for the current or next day.

  11. Following that, I will have my personal time with my family and or friends.

  12. Right before bed, looking at what I accomplished for the day and reading 30 minutes before bed.

  13. Trying to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep and repeating the process.

Every day there are different tasks, objectives, downfalls, and excitement. Knowing that these are the top priorities to get me and my business one step closer to my “Someday” goal is what drives me every day to:

Repair or install brick, stone, or block throughout all seasons with professionalism and high-quality craftsmanship!


Masonry Tip: Never Sacrifice Quality For Time


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