Natural Stone Vs. Stone Veneer

Natural Stone:

Natural stone's life cycle is unsurpassed by any other building material. Natural stone is quarried from the earth and used to build homes and structures and used for decorative purposes. There are no additives or anything removed from this natural element. Natural stone is always different among the pieces from the same sources, with different styles, shapes, compositions, and colors, with every piece unique. Natural stone is a unique building product because of the distinctive designs it can create. Many significant architectural structures are built with natural stone that still stands today. Natural stone is unique for structural and decorative applications and is found more in historic homes and structures.

Some types of natural stone include but are not limited to Limestone, Sandstone, Travertine, Onyx, Quartz, Slate, Marble, Granite, and more.

Natural stone is durable, unique, and can withstand the elements for thousands of years.

Stone Veneer:

Stone veneer has many names associated with what the material is. Stone veneer may be called "Lick and stick stone," "Manufactured stone," "Architectural stone," or "Cultured stone." These are all different names for the same material product. Stone veneer is meant to look like natural stone and is found more in modern homes and structures.

Artificial stone veneer is made with Portland cement, stones, and color pigments and is poured into molds to create a replica of a natural stone. Do not confuse “Faux stone veneer” with stone veneer. A "Faux stone veneer" is made of a styrofoam like material without Portland cement and aggregates and is very lightweight.

Stone veneer is attached on top of many sub-base layers as cladding of the exterior of the home or structure. Depending on the manufacturer and the manufactured location, there are also many styles, colors, and shapes of stone veneer.

Stone veneer can also be a "natural" stone veneer which is a natural stone cut into 1" -2" thickness pieces and used as cladding on a home or structure.

Stone veneer is lightweight, easily obtained, and easy to cut and install.

The Difference

Depending on the stone choice, natural stone is a structural element in your home or structure, but it is rare in modern buildings. Historic homes with natural stone are unique and must be restored with proper care if a restoration is needed. Natural stone is stacked on top of each other to create a home or structure, and stone veneer is cladding in modern building practices. Artificial stone veneer is weaker than natural stone, which can only hold its weight and cannot hold additional weight. You will find stone veneer mimicking the "stacked stone" appearance of natural stone and may be the same in sizes, colors, and textures but without having each piece be unique compared to natural stone.

As a historic masonry preservation specialist, a stone veneer restoration, even though natural, is not in K.B. Masonry LLC's scope of work. Historical natural stone homes have a different degree of work than restoring stone veneer. K.B. Masonry LLC can restore the appearance of your natural stone by repointing the natural stone mortar joints or restoring the natural stone itself if needed. They are two different materials to install and restore. Knowing the difference between the two can determine whom you need to restore your natural stone or stone veneer.


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