The Importance Of Repointing Natural Stone And Historic Brick

Repointing: The process of removing the old, deteriorated, or cracked mortar and replacing it with new, compatible, and similar/exact appearance mortar.

  1. Prevents Water Intrusion: When the mortar joints on your natural stone are missing, deteriorated, or cracked, it may allow water to seep into your home, which may cause significant damage. 

  2. Prevents more costly repairs later: Getting your natural stone mortar joints assessed and repointed will lower the cost of potential future maintenance. You are saving money on possible significant repairs later. 

  3. Improves/maintains your property value: Mortar joint damage affects the integrity of your home and its resale value. Repointing your natural stone or historic brick home ensures you will get the price your home deserves when you sell it. 

  4. Improves the overall appearance of your home: Mortar joints chip, fall out, crack and become sunken in/recessed too deep. Your mortar joints make natural stone or brick surfaces uneven or decrepit. Repointing restores the look to a clean and crisp brick or stone outline. The outcome is that your home looks newer and taken care of. 

  5. Protects against damage to surrounding masonry: If mortar joints cannot block the rainwater from getting in, water will find its way through the voids behind the wall and must escape at the least resistance path. The path of least resistance may be your brick, stone, or mortar joints that are still intact.


Ways To Restore Your Historic Brick Wall


Natural Stone Vs. Stone Veneer